FBG Engineered Products
BILTONG Box- Dehumidifier designed and built specifically for the processing of South Africal type BILTONG (similar to Beef Jerky).
General Specifications:
- Outside Nominal Dimensions: 12” x 12” x 20” tall (30 x 30 x 50 Cms)
- Meat Hanging height: 14” (36 Cms)
- Drying Capacity: Aprox. 4 Lbs. Varies with cut lengths of the meat.
- Housing Material: Clear Acrylic walls.
- Hanging Rods: 4 Oak rods
- Power: 110/120 volt.
On/Off switch to 80mm Fan and a 60 Watt Incandescent Bulb for warming the air flow.
- All electrical components are assembled to the Lift-off Black Plastic Top Cover.
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Price: $185 + S&H
UPC-A: 743724389616
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